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Dungeon & Dragons Miniature Comparison: FDM vs. Resin

Dungeon & Dragons Miniature Comparison: FDM vs. Resin

  • by Neil O'Sullivan

Dungeon & Dragons Miniature Comparison: FDM vs. Resin

Fused deposition modelling (FDM) and resin 3D printing are two popular forms of 3D printing that are used to manufacture miniatures. Both have their own advantages and disadvantages.

Let’s compare their features to understand them in greater detail, and see what makes them different from each other.

Miniature Comparison: FDM vs. Resin

Resin 3D Printing

Resin 3D printing uses liquid photopolymers to build different objects layer by layer. Photopolymers are materials that change their characteristics when they are exposed to light; hence, the process is called photopolymerization. It results in extremely accurate prints. Resin printing is also known by two other names, which are Stereolithography or VAT Polymerization Printing. It is used for building objects that are up to 6 inches tall. FDM printing technique is preferred for items that are larger than this.


  • It builds structures that have sharp details. So, this technique is more suitable for small items like miniatures.
  • You do not have to manage complicated settings to run the machine and get accurate
  • It usually requires fewer structures for support.
  • It prints different objects faster.


  • This technique is more expensive comparatively speaking. Its machine, material, and maintenance everything costs a little more.
  • Uncured, sticky resin can damage your skin.
  • Post-processing takes time, and can be complicated if you are inexperienced.

FDM 3D Printing

Fused deposition modelling (FDM) 3D printing, also called fused filament fabrication (FFF), is popularly used at the consumer level. In this technique, thermoplastic filaments are used. The material is ejected through a heated nozzle, and it is applied layer by layer to create a complete structure. It is preferred for building multiple low-cost parts that are assembled later.


  • The printing process is simple.
  • The material used in it is more economical than resin, and it is available in many
  • It is more popular and has a larger community due to which its resources are easily
  • Since its community is bigger, it is easier to get feedback for them.
  • You can easily scape it to any desired size.
  • FDM printers are less expensive, which makes the whole process less costly.


  • The quality and details of the end result are not as good as Resin Printing.
  • It needs a lot of post-processing to get a sharp finished look.
  • It is difficult to meet the optimal angles while creating objects that need greater details.
  • Settings can become difficult while creating larger objects.

So, Which Printing Technique is Better?

It is hard to say which type is better, because they both have their own benefits and disadvantages. You should choose the technique that meets your needs the best.

For instance, if you are interested in getting a miniature figure made, up to a couple of inches tall, then resin printing should be preferred. It is because this technique produces sharper details. You can even see the numbers on a small d20 dice clearly.

On the other hand, FDM printing is great for much larger models (at Paragon Star we can make these up to about 8 inches tall, or even larger if split into multiple parts). FDM printing is also more geometrically accurate than resin printing so is a better choice for multiple parts that have to fit together perfectly.

To order a Dungeon and Dragons miniature, check out our shop !

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