DEATH DRAGON - EPIC Sized Model Kit | Dungeons and dragons | Cthulhu| Pathfinder | War Gaming
DEATH DRAGON - EPIC Sized Model Kit | Dungeons and dragons | Cthulhu| Pathfinder | War Gaming
DEATH DRAGON - EPIC Sized Model Kit | Dungeons and dragons | Cthulhu| Pathfinder | War Gaming
DEATH DRAGON - EPIC Sized Model Kit | Dungeons and dragons | Cthulhu| Pathfinder | War Gaming
DEATH DRAGON - EPIC Sized Model Kit | Dungeons and dragons | Cthulhu| Pathfinder | War Gaming
DEATH DRAGON - EPIC Sized Model Kit | Dungeons and dragons | Cthulhu| Pathfinder | War Gaming

Paragon Star

DEATH DRAGON - EPIC Sized Model Kit | Dungeons and dragons | Cthulhu | Pathfinder | War Gaming

Precio habitual £0.00 £44.99

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This is a HUGE 3D Printed Model that would make a fantastic boss or end of campaign monster. Available scaled down in resin (to the largest size we can make...

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